humid or cool and humid. Case in point my flu. I had been nursing it
for about a week before it became full blown last Sat. And this is
despite my arduous efforts to minimise it. It does not help that I get
heaty easily and being greedy relish spicy and deep fried food as part
of my meals off and on. What is one to fight when food is just round
the corner everywhere.
Ok, I digress. Yes, the weather is cranky and had been alternating
mercilessly hot days with intermittent showers. Which brings to
another point - baking. For the longest time my friends and I had
groused about how making truffles always end up a mess as the ganache
melts so quickly once it is out of the freezer. yes, the freezer. Even
stuff like high fat cookie dough or pie pastry cannot escape this fate.
Coping methiods abound as we tried to have ice baths ready to chill
the ganache tray. But... The weather will not be beaten! Right now I'm
thinking if I have to set up air conditioners at my kitchen just like
what Lana Cake Shop at Greenwood Avenue did. Sigh!