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    Thursday, May 20, 2010

    Cake Adventures Continues

    I had talked about starting my cake project a while back and had done
    the second one - brown sugar pound cake with nuts. Now I am embarking
    onto the 3rd one and am excited to do it this weekend. It will have
    the special ingredient, sweet potato, which will need roasting in the
    oven. And I bet my dad will dig it as he is partial to this root

    Here is my take on the project so far. It is tiring, an
    unflinching-feedback-process and absolutely FUN, FUN, FUN! I cannot
    emphasize enough the joy and passion one feels when doing something
    you absolutely adore and love.  My recordings on my journal had been
    diligent and up to date so this helps with looking back on the lessons

    I also realized the tremendous amount of support friends are wiling to
    give to me. Whether in terms of a store that sells better priced
    ingredients or giving honest feedback after trying my stuff, these
    little things help me on my journey as I delve deeper and deeper into
    the world of cakes, pastries and bread.

    All these serve to embolden me and increase the thickness of my 'hide'
    which made me less vulnerable to failures. Good overall character
    devlopment I must say! Haha.


    1. Hi Jean, can post some of your cake adventures photos to share?

    2. Hi Lily, see my new post on 24 May 10 under "Sweet Potato Pound Cake" complete with pics.
