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    Monday, May 24, 2010


    What exactly is fear? And how does it manifest in us? Is a person
    inborn to be shy and retiring or does nurture plays a part? Both, in
    my opinion. The human being is a wondrous creature. We actually have
    the sixth sense with the ability to detect fear. That is when you have
    the goosebumps and your hair starts to stand. Your throat goes dry and
    you palpitate madly.

    Our sixth sense guides us as a precursor of things to come. It warns
    us to prep ourselves to "fight" or "flight" using the classic phrase.
    Humans also scare themselves for fun and this comes in haunted houses
    or thrill rides like roller coasters. About 14 years ago I enjoyed
    such activities, very much on fact. But, a ride which I was not
    prepared for; yes, that's freaking what happened to me. And
    henceforth, sweaty palms become de rigueur when I approach any signs
    that goes "xxxx ride - queue 20 mins".

    This year, this is one of the items I intend to overcome and with the
    upcoming family trip being planned and which possibly involve theme
    parks, I will venture on bravely.

    Fear is also that feeling one feels when doing something that one has
    failed before. Chiffon cake is my bane due to an egg white-overbeaten
    case. It is the next cake I will do as greedy me really love this
    confectionery. Swimming is something I had successfully overcome as I
    increased the frequency of its activity. So, hurray for that!

    Fear is also that feeling that drives you to try new things and
    prevent you from resting on your laurels. Just like climbing. I have
    a fear of heights but after passing level one, I find that things are
    not too bad or scary after all. And that is when I realized the
    familiar feeling of fear is real but often overestimated. What you
    fear and what you actually encounter is often not as bad as one
    thought. It is a constant reminder to me to bite the bullet and face
    the music even when things seemed tough and insurmountable. And with
    that my growth in character and maturity is assured.

    Thank god!

    1 comment:

    1. Opposite of fear - courage. Courage does not mean having no fear. Courage means conquering fear...
