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    Saturday, May 1, 2010

    Presence of God

    Okay, I wont and am definitely not an authority on the topic of god.
    Heck, I can't even say I'm an expert on Him. Nonetheless, I love God
    with a relentlessness that ebb and flow depending on the setbacks I
    encounter each day.

    I can't abandon Her and he is so intrinsically linked to me that I do
    feel its comforting presence. And what assurance and groundedness
    that is. Immediately, the burden just eases from your chest and the
    future u see in front of u is clear. Nothing is scary anymore or less
    scary as you make your way forward.

    It's a warmth that radiates from the core of my soul and just keeps me
    very, very happy! It does ebb still like what I mentioned but like the
    advancing and receding tides, it never quite goes away. Thus is my
    relationship with God.