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    Saturday, January 15, 2011

    Swimmer's High

    The thing about swimming is that it is gentle on your joints as you are being totally weightless on water. This spells great relief for those of us who does weight bearing cardiovascular activity like running or skipping. Right now, the regular thing I do is swimming at least once a week.

    It had been said that people who run will get a "high" aka a sense of euphoria as the endorphins come gushing through the body. These are commonly known as happy hormones and will keep you happy. I found out
    I too get this high when swimming after 12 laps. Which is double joy for me as now I've got another activity that gives me endorphins! My stamina had not been as good as before but slowly and surely I am
    getting there! It is this that keeps me going and allows me to persevere happily even when I miss some exercise sessions.
    Back to the swimmer's high. It is free, you get to keep fit and good cholesterol ie HDL is produced when you get more active. The morale of my entry is it does pay to work off your butt. So no excuses pals and
    keep fit! :)